Parents can start by reading FLE lessons and deciding for themselves whether they want their children to follow the FLE approach to sexuality.
Many will not.
One solution is to opt out of FLE lessons and teach your child the values you hold about love, marriage, family, and children.
Fortunately, there are many alternatives to FLE. Nearly all are inexpensive, some are free, and best of all: they teach children what sexuality is really all about.
The following pages list books, pamphlets, online videos, and downloads which - while focused on a Catholic approach to sexuality - provide guidance that people of many faiths and even secular views, will find to be both practical and far better than Family Life Education.
Why not take a look and see if one of these FLE alternatives is right for your child?
If your own children are currently in elementary school, getting them to brush their teeth and clean their rooms may be foremost in your mind but Blink! They’re in high school. Blink again! They’ve graduated and are out on their own. FLE indoctrination starts in kindergarten so there’s no time to waste talking to your kids about sexuality.
Your child deserves to know that connecting sex with marriage and having a family of their own is a better path to a happy life than the FLE approach.
It’s not selfish to hope that one day your children will marry, have children of their own, and make you a grandparent.
Isn’t that what family life is all about?