In 74 lessons and 83 hours of Family Life Education, from kindergarten to 12th grade, there is little to no discussion about getting married. The word “wedding” appears just once, under the headline “Stressful Events,” which (even if sometimes true!) is hardly encouraging for marriage, the foundation of family life and society itself and a glaring omission from a curriculum entitled “Family Life Education.”
Our daughters want to marry and our sons want a wife, yet Family Life Education ignores getting married and starting a family, even though marriage and children lead many adults to a rewarding and fulfilling life.
In an era of fleeting relationships, cohabitation, and plummeting marriage rates, marriage could use some strengthening but the FLE virtually ignores it. If the FLE influences your children to avoid marriage when they’re adults, it will be a loss to them and our society.
Not only does Family Life Education overlook getting married, it neglects having children within marriage.
Contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, cohabitation, consent, rape, incest, anal sex, pornography, gay, lesbian, bisexuality, and gender identity are painstakingly covered.
But getting married and having kids? Not so much.
Family Life Education without family.